
In this reflection of my course that just completed Learning Theories and Instruction,   I will discuss what I learned about how people learn and also how I learn and any surprises that relate to either area. The theories, learning styles, educational technology and motivation will also be touched on as most the course was composed of those areas.  Finally, I will discuss how this course will help me in my future career as an instructional designer.

I must say I enjoyed this course if you asked me eight weeks ago, how I learn, I would only say I’m a visual learner. Now I see that there is so much more to learning. People don’t all learn the same way. That’s first and foremost; I knew that going into to the class and working with adults where I have to present new information and processes and procedures. There is always someone who does not get it. Surprisingly its no fault of their own.  It’s all about presentation and their learning style, and a couple of other factors like are they motivated to learn?

When I think of the learning styles and how they relate to me, I see that the Behaviorist Theory lines up with my initial thought that I’m a visual learner. I learn through observable behaviors, and positive and negative reinforcements impact my learning ability. However, the Constructive Theory, where being social aids in the learning process and being allowed to be creative and flexible applying information I already know is also behaviors I observed that I demonstrate. As an adult learner, I rely on what I know already as well as discussions and information from peers to help gain a better understanding of topics.

This course has helped me to get a better understanding of learning theories. Putting all the information together on the learning theory Matrix allowed me to see the similarities in all the theories. The bottom line is to be an active instructor or instructional designer; you must have the learning theories as a foundation. Without it, you cannot effectively create useful material to meet the needs of learners. Following the ARCS Model of Motivational Design by Keller is also critical in keeping the student motivated to want to not only learn but retain and be able to apply the knowledge in their careers.

Overall this course has given me tools to use in my current career as a manager. I look forward to using the knowledge gained in future communications with my team. I also look forward to learning more during  my journey to becoming an instructional designer.

Learning Theories



As you know or may not know if this your first time reading, I am in school for Instructional Design. In class this week we focused on the technological aspect of education. We live in a fast-paced world, and it seems that everything is about convenience. I feel that I need convenience to be successful as my schedule is work, school, kids, repeat. One question I get often is how do you balance everything and learn and retain information with everything going on? My answer is always structure. I use a list for everything. Let us get started on these questions.

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the different learning theories and learning styles, how has your view on how you learn changed?

When it comes to learning theories and methods, I am finding that I have a mix of things going on. I apply cognitive theory, as sometimes my thoughts can determine my emotions. Being an adult learner, I find that I learn based on application exercises and discussions.

What have you learned about the various learning theories and learning styles over the past weeks that can further explain your personal learning preferences?

I found out that there is no right theory or learning style. People will adapt to what feels right. I know that I like to discuss topics as it provides me with additional information to help me comprehend. I believe learning comes from reading for understanding not just memorizing.

What role does technology play in your learning (i.e., as a way to search for information, to record information, to create, etc.)

Technology plays a significant role in how I learn. I go everywhere with my Surface and iPhone. I can access information about everything immediately. Being an online student technology must be embraced right along with the change. Technology allows me to create the post for my blog, research class homework, discuss lessons, manage the kid’s calendar, etc.

In my opinion, there is no correct learning theory that I as an Instructional designer should default to. People are different due to culture, and because of differences whether how they were raised or experiences, they will learn in a different way.

Thanks for reading .. Trish

1 Brain 2 Languages

1 Brain 2 Languages

Ever wonder how the brain works? How do we learn. My parents are from Haiti and France and growing up, they spoke French and Creole. English was their third language, well second as creole is almost like the broken French however back on track when my parents speak it sounds like English in my head. Although I know they are not speaking English it somehow plays in my mind as English. The other day, my mother was speaking to me and my children, she asked me a question in French and I answered in English. My daughter said how do you know what she said. I said what do you mean she said it in English. After everyone laughed I really thought about it and the question is how is it possible to know two languages without a lesson ever?


I googled it! According to Journal of Child Language, languages can be learned simultaneously. They studied how after the first year of birth the child learns both languages and also learns how to tell the difference between the two languages. It seems that it’s a mix of code mix and language dominance that cause children to learn and speak two languages. In search of more information I found a journal by Ayeomni, M.O that discussed code switching and code mixing. He discusses the difference between the two, “Code-switching is the mixing of words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within the same speech event… code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand.” (Ayeomni, M.O, 2006)

With that I gather that children are able to learn both because they are being introduced to both languages during their early development years. I have a three-year-old and I am trying to speak French with him to see if this works. So far, he responds to some words and others he doesn’t. I’ll keep you posted with progress.


Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen

Its my first blog post how exciting!  lets talk . Have you ever went to a training or completed online modules that was boring ? The content you know is important and that it applies to your job but you cant stay focused because either your tired from working and school and you can’t focus on the small letters on the screen, or the really dry voice that plays. Raises hand that me , after the second cup of coffee I try to take notes to keep awake. Training should not be so dull and boring. Learning to me is amazing , fun, it should include colors , sound , graphics, everything to keep the attention of the learner.

I began researching different blogs reading on how I can gain some insight to provide feedback to my current trainers as all of my representatives have expressed some form of dissatisfaction as it relates to training.  In customer service especially healthcare customer service , it is important that the information is received and understood as their entire job impacts some ones lively hood. Providing incorrect information in any form can cause a problem financially and or health wise.

Training in my eyes should be fun. Period. You should love to learn some thing new that can help you grow in what ever the area the training relates to.   So as I was reading one of my new favorite bloggers, Cathy-Moore wrote a great post regarding eye candy as she called it in training’s. She demonstrated two scenarios with the same content. The first scenario was long and full of pictures, however the second was plain and easy on the eyes. The background used on the second example was subtle.  I learned that bells and whistles do not have to be in the form of overload of pictures and bright graphics.

Sticking with the topic of graphics , Connie Malamed , writer of Understanding Graphics discusses visual language design. This blogger does a great job at breaking information down in away that is easily understood. Finally in my quest on finding resources to learn some best practices from I went on a search of a blogger who helps me understand the way people learn.  Dr. Jeremy Dean’s  writer of PSYBLOG discusses how the mind works. The information in the three blogs have helped me so much by allowing me to understand other ways to do things, or the why’s behind some behaviors during learning.

I hope this information can help you as it did I as my entire goal and commitment in my life is to be a change agent for good.


Until next timeLearn .jpg

Trish T